

Here you are one of the EXCLUSIVE miniatures we have sculpted for that person who got our Perk G. 

"El Moro, as he is known in peninsula, was born in Rusadir. Of Iberian father and "brown" mother, he was never accepted. Neither in Iberia nor in Califato. And when he was orphaned at the age of 9 years old, he had to become a thief... losing his right hand in the process. This would have made anyone a beggar but El Moro decided to take charge of his life, and now is considered one of the most skilled murderers in all Iberia, despite of his clear disadvantage."



Here you are another miniature for the Old Purples, almost finished.


Hello,  Here you are the winner of the II Tercio Creativo's Painting Contest. And if you want to see their figures, and those of the rest of the participants, you only have to enter the FORUM.


Here you are the Sargento ("Sargeant"), almost finished. The last figure of the squad of the Guard of Ysbilia ( or, at least, for having a model of each pawn ) in our workshop.


"Leaving the capital, reached Atalayuela, after a southbound journey. A small village that subsisted on barren earth by poorly hunting hares and partridges. There we met three of the men of Sereno. A group of outlaws that, taking the satin like alcove, protect the northern montanious edge against the Usurpers, who sometimes cross the border." 

"Despite its thousand battles, seemed honest men, willing and brain alive. Saving perhaps the disturbing shooter, whose strange name I fail to remember. Too much wine and too few cross words with the two Europeans: that one, and a giant German who did not take off from its huge steel for a moment. Guillermo, I think that was his name ... " 

"Who seemed more interested in the object of our trip was the lively Nicolas, man of sad past and exquisite manners, lover of science and literature. Nicolas was able to understand our history from the point of view of someone who is interested in the mysteries that have not yet been resolved. He was interested in what happened in the capital, the deaths, the plague, cannibalism... His face fell when he heard the testimony that there we related. Also claimed to have escaped from a great evil that was ravaging the town of Uterus. The people ate each other. Chaos had come in the form of the Plague that we were already recorded in Ysbilia. Those affected lost their wits and all humanity divine trait. People were locked in their homes and only fools and sick were in the streets. Woe to him who would take pity on any of the patients, as they used to lose their head and killed the healthy to satisfy the hunger that we all suffer..." 

"Uterus. No doubt our path is headed there. A couple of days separate us from this town, and I am fully convinced that I will find the trail of the Ordo Calamitas... "

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